Compensation paid to police hurt in training

Media reports suggest that one police force paid out almost £40,000 in accident compensation and legal fees after officers were hurt during training.

According to news articles, trainee officers suffered burns and blisters after taking part in a training exercise where CS gas was used. It is suggested that the aim of the training was for trainees to familiarise themselves with working with CS gas.

A number of the trainees had stinging eyes and running noses but aside from this the gas appeared to cause no adverse effects. However, over the days after the drill some officers began to develop blisters and burns. One officer suffered problems related to the CS gas for a year, whilst it took weeks or months for a number of others to recover.

All the officers have now received accident compensation for their injuries. According to reports a further 44 trainees who took part in the training felt no ill effects at all.

It is understood that on the day the training exercise took place it was raining so it was carried out undercover. This meant the fumes were trapped rather than being able to escape. Reports suggest that following a review, all training incorporating CS spray will be carried out outdoors in the future. Reports also say that the gas used for training was much stronger than the spray used on the streets and that this is no longer used.