Woman wins accident compensation after shopping centre fall

A shopping centre has paid accident compensation to a woman who was injured after falling whilst out shopping.

The 63-year-old slipped and fell on a wet floor during a visit to the centre. She had to be taken to hospital and required regular treatment for the injuries that she sustained. Media reports say that the shopping centre accepted liability for the accident and agreed to pay the woman personal injury compensation.

The woman described how she was walking in the shopping centre and suddenly felt her leg slip from under her. She explained that she still finds the accident upsetting and highlighted that she does not want anyone else to suffer in the same way that she has. One report into the case said that a number of other minor slips had been reported at the shopping centre during the winter.

According to reports, a health and safety investigation has been carried out as a result of the accident and new initiatives have been implemented to prevent similar injuries to the public or accidents at work in future.

Improvements have included installing mats at shopping centre entrances, re-evaluating cleaning systems and improving water drainage.