Compensation paid to woman after oven chip injury

A Leeds-based woman has won a large accident compensation pay-out following an injury she sustained whilst eating an oven chip.

Susan Stapylton, 60, from Richmond Hill, bit into an oven chip from the Aunt Bessie’s range when she encountered a hard object within one of the chips and injured her tooth.

Ms Stapylton’s filling – which was in a double wisdom tooth – fell out and could not be replaced straight away as she was awaiting an operation to remove troublesome nasal polyps, meaning that she could not breathe properly through her nose.

According to the Yorkshire Evening Post, Heinz – who own the Aunt Bessie brand – initially offered the woman a £5 voucher to act as compensation, but she was not happy with this and sought legal advice. She was subsequently awarded £2,200 in damaged from Heinz.

Ms Stapylton – who has five children – reported to the newspaper that the accident could have been far more serious had it happened to one of her young grandchildren, as they could have choked.

A Heinz spokesperson confirmed that the ‘safety and quality’ of all of the products it produced was of ‘paramount’ importance.